Your Trusted Choice for Step 1 Formula Milk

step 1 formula milk malaysia

As a Malaysian parent, ensuring your child’s healthy growth and development is of utmost importance. One essential aspect of your little one’s well-being is proper nutrition during their early years. Novamil Malaysia understands this concern and offers a range of high-quality Step 1 formula milk products tailored to meet your child’s nutritional needs. In this article, we will explore the benefits of Novamil Step 1 formula milk and how it can help address constipation issues in infants.

Why Choose Novamil Step 1 Formula Milk in Malaysia?

Novamil Malaysia takes pride in its commitment to providing top-notch nutrition for your baby’s early stages. Their Step 1 formula milk is designed to be as close to breast milk as possible, ensuring your child receives essential nutrients for optimal growth and development. Here are some reasons why Novamil is the preferred choice among Malaysian parents:

  1. Balanced Nutrition: Novamil Step 1 formula milk contains a balanced blend of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals, supporting your baby’s overall growth and immune system.
  2. Gentle on the Stomach: The formula is gentle on your baby’s delicate tummy, making it easier to digest and reducing the risk of discomfort.
  3. DHA and ARA: These essential fatty acids aid in the development of your baby’s brain and eyesight, providing a strong foundation for their cognitive abilities.
  4. Prebiotics and Probiotics: Novamil formula milk includes prebiotics and probiotics, promoting a healthy gut flora and improving digestion.
  5. No Added Sucrose: Novamil prioritises your child’s health by avoiding the use of added sucrose, ensuring a healthier sugar profile for your baby.

Addressing Constipation with Novamil Step 1 Formula Milk

Constipation can be a common concern for infants, causing discomfort and fussiness. Fortunately, Novamil Step 1 formula milk offers a viable solution to address this issue:

  1. Fibre Content: Novamil Step 1 formula contains an optimal amount of dietary fibre, which helps regulate bowel movements and prevents constipation.
  2. Easy-to-Digest Proteins: The proteins in Novamil are carefully selected to be gentle on your baby’s stomach, reducing the likelihood of constipation.
  3. Balanced Fat Content: The right balance of fats in Novamil Step 1 formula promotes smooth digestion and ensures your baby receives the necessary nutrients without digestive issues.
  4. Hydration: Proper hydration is essential to prevent constipation. Novamil encourages parents to ensure their babies are getting enough fluids throughout the day.


Novamil offers a reliable and beneficial Step 1 formula milk Malaysia option for parents seeking top-quality nutrition for their babies. With a well-balanced blend of nutrients, DHA, ARA, prebiotics, and probiotics, Novamil ensures your child’s healthy growth and development. Additionally, its gentle formula aids in reducing the risk of constipation, providing comfort and happiness for your little one. For Malaysian parents looking for a trusted brand for their baby’s nutrition, Novamil Step 1 formula milk is undoubtedly a top choice. Consult your paediatrician, follow the feeding guidelines, and give your child the best start in life with Novamil.